Our Team

Robert Williams

Robert Williams

Board Member

I believe that NO Veteran deserves to be homeless. They have given great service and sacrifice to the country and should therefore be cared for well after their tour of duty. Sadly, I see a lot of them living on the streets. That is why I am deeply passionate about helping them, giving them hope, inspiration and a safe and warm place they can call home.

I myself am a Veteran. I am a retired United States Marine Corp (MSGT) who served in Viet Nam. I served my country for 28 years with the ideals that my country is worth the time and effort I put in the service. However, thru a series of events I found myself looking in. Looking at a better life from the outside, homeless. My homelessness took root when my wife took ill mentally and physically, and medical bills were piling up and it was too much to overcome. On top of that, the 401K took a dive to sub-zero in year 2008. And about that same time, I had taken early retirement, a bad mistake, it was almost too much to bear. But I sprained back.

I shared the experience of my fellow Vets being homeless on the streets and trying to survive. I was hungry without a place to lay myself to sleep. But with the help of kind and generous people, I was able to get out of the destitution and poverty.

So now, I want to do the same thing to my brothers and sisters who are going through homelessness. My dreams to help remove our Veterans from the City sidewalks, find them a permanent home and uplift them to a level of total self-independence.

Let us help the homeless Veterans. HELP US to help them.

Murphy Witherspoon

Murphy Witherspoon

Board Member

I feel for the homeless. This feeling is not knowing why the homeless suffers. Maybe it is not having a role model to follow. Someone to share, this way or that way. I can only imagine what that is like.

My father, Shag, was an encouraging person in his unique way. He would set examples both good and not so good. He was always pushing forward for the good. There it is, Murphy pushing forward for the good things in life, as my father did. I can remember that he flowed from one job to another and then another and it seem like it would never end. However, he would not be still in his quest to be better and to have a place of his own. It was his determination that set him apart. And that was my chance in life to adopt that spirit “never give up”. And eventually it happens, a house we call home. Even then, things were not smooth sailing, I recall at times there was nothing in the refrigerator, I mean nothing, somehow Mom would find something out of nothing. Sundays was always a happy day with food on the table. Just maybe, the homeless not having that experience cascaded homeless in the wrong direction.

Can you see the homeless are broken, batter and hopeless? You can help them to pick up the pieces and put the picture together. Helping them to restore their dignity by removing self-imposed life beating. You can influence no more cold nights, no more starving from day to day, no more endless walks that go no ware. And in so doing we restore the homelessness hope of a better future.


Dr. Kathy Cash

Dr. Kathy Cash

Board Member

My name is Dr. Kathy Cash and I am a U.S. Army Veteran with over 30 years of community servanthood. I have volunteered in many areas, including feeding hungry and homeless families, distributing clothing to those in need, teaching wellness skills to Veterans, and supporting individuals in their journey of recovery, among other things.

Homelessness is not just a physical situation wherein one is living on the streets or in a vehicle without an address or sleeping on a bus bench. Homelessness is a struggle that manifests itself in the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being of an individual. As a Peer Support Specialist, I find value in providing support to this underserved population that is growing rapidly before our eyes. It takes a community to fix a community and we invite you to join us in our efforts to resolve the issue of homelessness.

How does one approach the task of solving the homeless problem? Having a conversation is my first line of defense. Asking questions; listening to the answers; meeting a person where he or she is – these are the beginning steps in the process of ending homelessness. But this solution to the problem of homeless is not a one-person or one-organization fix. I have decided to be part of the solution and, as a member of THS, the invitation is also open to you.

Larry Finley

Larry Finley

Board Member

My name is Larry Finley and I am a U.S. Army Veteran with over 40 years of community service. I have volunteered in many areas, including feeding hungry and homeless families since I was 7 years old, distributing clothing to those in need, teaching safety and wellness skills to Veterans and other families in need, and supporting individuals in their journey of recovery, among other things.

Homelessness is not just a situation wherein one is living on the streets, parks, under path, water channel or in a vehicle or sleeping on a bus bench. Homelessness is emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being of an individual. Other major factors, which contribute to homelessness, include:

Lack of Affordable Health Care – For families and individuals struggling to pay the rent, a serious illness or disability can start a downward spiral into homelessness, beginning with a lost job, depletion of savings to pay for care, and eventual eviction.

Domestic Violence – Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness. Mental Illness – A certain percentage of the single adult homeless population suffers from some form of severe and persistent mental illness.

Addiction – The relationship between addiction and homelessness is complex and controversial. Many people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs never become homeless, but people who are poor and addicted are clearly at increased risk of homelessness.

We invite anyone and everyone to join us in our efforts to resolve the issue of homelessness.

Jacquelyn Deloatch

Jacquelyn Deloatch

Board Emeritus

I believe that the homeless are people too – and that they deserve a second chance at life. That is why I am passionate about helping them get out of the streets and the hopelessness.

All of us at one (or a few) time in our lives have experienced being homeless in the physical or emotional sense – being alone, lost, broken, scared and hungry. I have experienced the feeling of being homeless and have seen a few of my close family and friends go through destitution, living in the streets and penniless.

  • My nephew spent many years in a tent on the streets of Palmdale.
  • Dr. Scott a long-time friend, since the 90’s, now homeless, and couch surfing.
  • My friend Evangelist Daphne homeless for a seven-year stretch, slept in her car.

I feel for them and every other homeless on the street who reminds me of my family and friends. My heart saddens every time I converge onto Skid Row or I see them carrying around their baggage. My passion is to help them get over the misery and poverty. And my burning desire is to see them get back on their feet, gain their dignity, filled with hope and inspiration. And eventually see them live better lives with success stories to share

If you would like to help us help our homeless brothers and sisters, let us talk!

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20700 Avalon Blvd. #11493
Carson, CA 90746


(310) 871-9402

Registered 501(c)(3)

EIN: 81-3833983